What is there to do around YOTEL Geneva Lake?
There are many activities available in the area and there is something for everyone. Do not hesitate to contact us directly on 022 960 78 00 or [email protected] for more information.
We also have a handy blog that details local things to see and do within a short distance of the hotel. Read it here.
Do you allow smoking at YOTEL Geneva lake?
We have a strict non-smoking policy, and do not accept smoking anywhere on property. This includes all of our rooms and public spaces. There is at least a $250* fee that will be charged to anyone who violates our non-smoking policy.
*This can be higher at specific hotels
YOTEL Geneva Lake VAT number
YOTEL Geneva Lake VAT Number is CHE-412.017.400
What is the EXPLORE card?
The EXPLORE card is free and provided to each of our customers (on request). It gives you access to exclusive benefits on certain local tours and free local public transport.
Is there a secure bike room?
Yes! There's a a space for parking your bike available in our sheltered outdoor car park. It's free of charge!
Can I rent a bike at YOTEL Geneva Lake?
You can't rent a bike directly at the hotel, but bike rental is available from the school at the front of YOTEL Geneva Lake: l'école de la Chataigneraie. Visit their website here.
Is the hotel accessible?
YOTEL Geneva Lake is proud to be recognised by OK:GO Initiative to certify that the hotel is accessible. For more information:

Does YOTEL Geneva Lake offer accessible rooms?
We offer a range of accessible compliant rooms. For more information, you can contact us directly. Using the below details.
Are there any taxis or Uber services available nearby?
Yes, it is possible to call an Uber or a taxi quickly. Mission Control remains at your disposal for these kinds of requests.
Does YOTEL Geneva Lake have a 24/7 reception?
Yes, Mission Control is open 24/7.
How can I contact the hotel?
You can call the hotel on +41 22 960 78 00 or email at [email protected]
Are pets allowed ?
No pets are not allowed in our YOTELs. We only allow assistance animals.
What is the legal entity of YOTEL HQ?
Yotel Limited
Kebijakan penggunaan yang dapat diterima untuk WiFi dan internet
Kami menyediakan WiFi super cepat di hotel kami, penggunaannya dianggap sebagai persetujuan tamu terhadap Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Dapat Diterima (AUP). YOTEL dapat mengubah Kebijakan ini untuk mencerminkan variasi dalam hukum atau kapan pun dianggap perlu. WiFi YOTEL dapat digunakan hanya untuk tujuan yang sesuai hukum dan semua undang-undang saat ini dan mendatang yang berlaku. Tamu setuju untuk tidak menggunakan WiFi untuk mengirimkan atau menerima materi atau data yang melanggar hukum atau peraturan apa pun atau yang memfitnah, menyinggung, kasar, tidak sopan, tidak senonoh, atau melanggar kepercayaan, privasi, rahasia dagang, atau melanggar hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual pihak ketiga (termasuk hak cipta) atau melanggar hak lainnya. YOTEL akan selalu mematuhi peraturan setempat. Setiap pelanggaran terhadap sistem atau keamanan jaringan dilarang, dan dapat mengakibatkan tamu menghadapi tanggung jawab pidana dan perdata oleh otoritas setempat. Kami tidak akan membagikan informasi pribadi Anda.
Nomor VAT (PPN) YOTEL adalah GB108-2725-29.
Kode GDS YOTEL adalah ‘YL’.
Apakah boleh merokok di hotel?
Kami memiliki kebijakan tegas bebas asap rokok, dan tidak boleh merokok di area mana saja properti kami. Termasuk semua kabin dan ruang publik. Setidaknya terdapat denda sebesar $250* yang akan diberikan bagi siapa saja yang melanggar kebijakan bebas asap rokok kami.
*This can be higher at specific hotels
Can I pay with cash at YOTEL?
Some of our YOTELs and YOTELAIRs are completely cashless:
- YOTEL Amsterdam
- YOTEL Edinburgh
- YOTEL Geneva Lake
- YOTEL Glasgow
- YOTEL London
- YOTEL Manchester Deansgate
- YOTEL Miami
- YOTEL New York
- YOTEL San Francisco
- YOTEL Porto (going cashless soon)
- YOTELAIR Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
- YOTELAIR London Gatwick Airport
- YOTELAIR Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
- YOTELPAD Park City
Cash payments can still be used at the remainder of our hotels