
Berapa usia check-in minimum?

Berapa usia check-in minimum?

Anda harus berusia 18 tahun untuk check-in di YOTEL. Semua anak berusia di bawah 18 tahun harus didampingi oleh orang dewasa.

Is there late check-out?

Is there late check-out?

Standard check-out time is 11am. Too early? Late check-out is available, please enquire with our Mission Control crew on arrival or via the self service stations (subject to availability).


Is there early check-in?

Is there early check-in?

Standard check-in time is 3pm. Too late? Early check-in is available but is subject to availability upon arrival. When you arrive at the hotel, if there is availability, early check-in between 1 – 3pm is free. Any early check-in before 1pm will be subjected to a flat fee of £20 / €20. To book and/or pay for early check-in please review your booking on the self-service stations or speak with our Mission Control crew.

Does YOTEL have an app?

Does YOTEL have an app?

YOTEL does not have an app yet. Stay tuned!

What is the legal entity?

What is the legal entity?

Legal & General Assurance (Pensions Management) Limited

Ke mana saya dapat melaporkan barang yang hilang atau dicuri di YOTEL London?

Ke mana saya dapat melaporkan barang yang hilang atau dicuri di YOTEL London?

Jika Anda kehilangan atau meninggalkan barang Anda, silakan melapor ke Mission Control atau silakan hubungi YOTEL London +44 (0) 203 146 1310 dan berbicaralah dengan anggota kru.

Check-in dan check-out

Check-in dan check-out

Di YOTEL, kami ingin Anda dapat memanfaatkan waktu sebaik-baiknya. Kami telah mengganti meja resepsionis tradisional dengan kios check-in dan check-out untuk pengalaman menginap sempurna dengan menghilangkan semua proses antrian. Anda dapat mengaksesnya 24/7 dan jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, kru Mission Control juga tersedia sepanjang waktu. Waktu check-in standar kami adalah kapan saja setelah pukul 15.00 dan check-out kapan saja sebelum pukul 11.00. Kami akan dengan senang hati mengurus bagasi jika Anda ingin keluar dan berkeliling.

Need a late check-out

We guarantee your check-in time by 3pm on the day. Arriving before check-in time? Not a problem, we can hold on to your luggage for free. Check-out is at 11am. Too early? Pay £10 per hour to extend. After your first hour purchased, we’ll even throw in a free hour on top.

Hotel address and transport

Hotel address and transport

YOTEL London, 96-100 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1M 5RJ, United Kingdom

The nearest metro/tube/train station, to the hotel is Farringdon Station - 39 Cowcross Street, The City, London, EC1M 6BY – a 5-minute walk from the hotel.

Mission Control on the ground floor will be able to arrange a taxi for you and there are many rideshare options available in London – Uber, Bolt and Ola are the most popular.

Bisakah saya mengirimkan barang ke hotel?

Bisakah saya mengirimkan barang ke hotel?

Kami menerima paket atas nama Anda hanya dengan pengaturan dan perjanjian sebelumnya. Semua barang harus dialamatkan kepada tamu terdaftar dan jika memungkinkan sertakan tanggal check-in.