
Does YOTEL Geneva Lake offer room service?

Does YOTEL Geneva Lake offer room service?

Unfortunately, YOTEL Geneva Lake does not offer room service.

Is there a rooftop terrace available?

Is there a rooftop terrace available?

HVGGE Place will have a rooftop very soon available where it will be possible to admire the magnificent panorama of the Alps while enjoying a delicious cocktail.

Does YOTEL Geneva Lake have a spa or swimming pool?

Does YOTEL Geneva Lake have a spa or swimming pool?

YOTEL Geneva Lake does not have a spa or swimming pool; but the gym will be available soon.

Does YOTEL Geneva Lake offer a gym?

Does YOTEL Geneva Lake offer a gym?

Our gym will be available soon.

Do you offer guest laundry facilities?

Do you offer guest laundry facilities?

Yes, we offer a laundry service. Laundry bags and lists are available with pricing in your room. Ask Mission Control for more information