
We now accept PayNow

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We now accept PayNow

Hotel Name: YOTEL Singapore Orchard Road
UEN: 53355410A

PayNow QR code:

YOTEL Singapore PayNow QR code

What forms of payment do you accept?

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express), debit cards and cash*. Please note a valid credit/debit card must be presented at check-in.

*The below locations are completely cashless: 

  • YOTEL Amsterdam
  • YOTEL Edinburgh
  • YOTEL Glasgow
  • YOTEL London
  • YOTEL Miami
  • YOTEL New York
  • YOTEL San Francisco
  • YOTEL Porto (going cashless soon)
  • YOTELAIR Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
  • YOTELAIR London Gatwick Airport
  • YOTELAIR London Heathrow Airport
  • YOTELAIR Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
  • YOTELPAD Miami
  • YOTELPAD Park City