Numéro de TVA de YOTEL
Le numéro de TVA français de YOTEL est FR63 793 136 037
Checking in and checking out
At YOTEL, we like you to be able to make the most of your time. We’ve replaced the traditional front desk with check-in and out kiosks for a seamless stay cutting out all the queuing. You can access them 24/7 and should you need any assistance, the Mission Control crew is available round the clock too. Our standard check-in time is any time after 6pm and check-out is any time before 9am.
What is the legal entity?
Yotel France SARL
Once I've checked in, can I leave the airport?
You may not leave the airport however you can move around the airport. You will need the following to access the hotel: your passport, your YOTELAIR Paris Charles de Gaulle booking confirmation and proof of travel, for example, your boarding card (which must be for the same day or next day).
What is the minimum check in age?
This varies depending on local regulations. Details can be found on the specific hotel pages.
What is the legal entity of YOTEL HQ?
Yotel Limited
WiFi and internet acceptable use policy
We provide super-fast WiFi at our hotels. Its use is considered as the guest agreement with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). YOTEL may change this Policy to reflect any variation in the law or whenever deemed necessary. The YOTEL WiFi may be used for lawful purposes only and in compliance with all current and future statutes in force. The guest agrees not to use the WiFi to send or receive materials or data which is in violation of any law or regulation or which is defamatory, offensive, abusive, indecent, obscene or in breach of confidence, privacy, trade secrets or in breach of any third party Intellectual Property rights (including copyright) or in breach of any other rights. YOTEL will always comply with local regulations. Any violations of systems or network security are prohibited, and may result in the guest-facing criminal and civil liability by local authorities. We will not share your personal information. View our full privacy policy.
YOTEL's VAT Number
YOTEL's UK VAT number is GB108-2725-29.
YOTEL's GDS code
YOTEL's GDS code is 'YL'.
We've taken some measures to try to make your stay at YOTEL as safe as possible. Naturalmat supply our mattresses which are organic and made of natural fibre, with hypoallergenic/anti-microbial fill made of coir, lambswool and latex. All our pillows and duvets are made of hypoallergenic fibre. All cleaning products are environmentally safe and non-toxic. Carpets are cleaned using a ‘true – stem’ extraction cleaning machine that sanitises and kills all kinds of bacteria and germs. The paint used throughout the hotel is ‘Low VOC’, which improves the overall air quality for guests and staff. We are proud to be LEED Certified.
Do you allow smoking at the hotels?
We have a strict non-smoking policy, and do not accept smoking anywhere on property. This includes all of our rooms and public spaces. There is at least a $250* fee that will be charged to anyone who violates our non-smoking policy.
*This can be higher at specific hotels