
Where can I report a lost or stolen item at YOTEL Porto?

Where can I report a lost or stolen item at YOTEL Porto?

Please contact the YOTEL Porto +351 22 244 0380 and speak with a crew member.

Hotel address and transport

Hotel address and transport

YOTEL Porto, Rua Gonçalo Cristóvão, 206-216 Porto, Portugal

The nearest train station, São Bento Station, is a 15-minute walk from the hotel and connects with the North lines, Douro and Minho region, as well as Lisbon.

YOTEL Porto is two minutes from Trindade metro station, which offers a direct link to the airport. 

Taxis can be arranged by visiting Ground Control on the ground floor.

Can I ship items to the hotel?

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Can I ship items to the hotel?

We accept packages on your behalf only by prior arrangement and agreement. All items should be addressed to the registered guest and where possible state the date of check-in. 

Will YOTEL store luggage?

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Will YOTEL store luggage?

We offer luggage/item storage for guests. Our Mission Control Crew will be available to assist you.

Checking in and checking out

Checking in and checking out

At YOTEL, we like you to be able to make the most of your time. We’ve replaced the traditional front desk with check-in and out kiosks for a seamless stay cutting out all the queuing. You can access them 24/7 and should you need any assistance, the Mission Control crew is available round the clock too. Our standard check-in time is any time after 3pm and check-out is before 12pm. We’ll be happy to look after your luggage if you want to go out and explore. We offer early check-in and late check-out when available for a small fee.