This property is located landside of the airport, before immigration and passport control. Guests who are in transit must pass through immigration and passport control in order to access the hotel, and in certain instances, a visa may be required.

YOTELAIR 新加坡樟宜国际机场店
位于星耀樟宜第四层,寄身树木与瀑布之间Check in
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Guests, rooms
1 guest, 1 room

From Bed to Boarding in Minutes
YOTELAIR Singapore Changi Airport offers the perfect choice for short stays at Singapore Changi Airport. Our day rooms at Singapore Changi Airport bring convenience and comfort to travellers on the move. Ideal for layovers and early morning flights, our cabins at Singapore Changi Airport provide an escape from the airport hustle and bustle. Book your stay at one of the best hourly hotels at Singapore Changi Airport, located within walking distance of Terminals 1, 2 and 3, with shower cabins also available.
探索 YOTELAIR 新加坡樟宜国际机场店

- 我们的钟点舱可解决您长时间转机等候或意外中途停留期间的需求。我们向当代旅行者提供一切所需,满足旅客途中放松、休息、工作、养精蓄锐等方面的需求。