Общая информация

Where can I report a lost or stolen item at YOTEL Porto?

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Where can I report a lost or stolen item at YOTEL Porto?

Please contact the YOTEL Porto +351 22 244 0380 and speak with a crew member.

Hotel address and transport

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Hotel address and transport

YOTEL Porto, Rua Gonçalo Cristóvão, 206-216 Porto, Portugal

The nearest train station, São Bento Station, is a 15-minute walk from the hotel and connects with the North lines, Douro and Minho region, as well as Lisbon.

YOTEL Porto is two minutes from Trindade metro station, which offers a direct link to the airport. 

Taxis can be arranged by visiting Ground Control on the ground floor.


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YOTEL 酒店可寄存行李吗?

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YOTEL 酒店可寄存行李吗?




在 YOTEL,我们希望您能够充分享受您的时间。我们使用自助入住和退房办理服务系统替代了传统前台,无需排队,为您带来无缝入住体验。您可以在每一天的任何时候使用它们,Mission Control(智能礼宾前台)的礼宾服务人员也可随时为您提供任何您可能需要的帮助。我们的标准入住时间是从下午 2 点开始,退房时间是下午 12 点之前。 我们提供提前入住和延迟退房服务,视客房供应情况而定,需收取少量费用。 如果您想要出去游玩,我们很乐意为您寄存行李。